viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

A new form is organic and mental fullness is needed 2

by Claudio Madaires

A new form is organic and mental fullness is needed.

The terms and phrases "Relax Mental Organic" and "Organic Mental Relax" were invented by the writer, CAGB "Caudio Madaires". To date, 2013.09.20, according to the seekers of GOOGLE, YAHOO and BING did not exist, nor in English "Organic Mental Relax", "Organic Mental relax", etc.. Therefore, CAGB "Claudio Madaires", acting under the Berne Convention and other international and national Intellectual Property rights reserved by international laws on natural and phrasing laa in Spanish, English and its derivatives in other languages ​​have been proven safe been invented before the date.